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Web Page Tips GLTitleBsm.jpg (6858 bytes)

Illinois Grand Lodge

Tips on how to make a web page

and where to find space to place it.

All of these tips are for Windows 95 and 98

Remember there is more than one way to do any of these jobs.   This is only one.

What Browser do I use?

I have found that Netscape 4.5 or higher is the best for me to use. Because of it's Composer program.  Composer can be use to make, edit, preview, and publish the page.

Get Netscape here:  Netscape

To Edit the page with Netscape browser

Click on Communicator,
then Composer
Use composer to edit the page.

To Preview the page with Netscape browser

Click on Preview see how it will look if published.
If you are on line.
You can also check the link and see if they work.
After you have checked out the page and are back on the page
You may return to editing the page just by clipping on the  X  in the upper right hand corner.

To Publish the page with Netscape browser

Click on Publish
fill in the boxes


HTTP or FTP Location to publish to:               .
ftp://ftp.tripod.com/                                         .
user name:    (the name you used to get the site )
password:    (the password you used )             .
check to save password
check Files associated with page

What is a ftp program?

After the page has been made and a site to post the page has been found.
A ftp program is use to edit and post your page to and from the site.

This program is faster and easier  to do this job.
Download it at   WS_ FTP LE

To setup the ftp program to connect to your site  ( Sample. ..Tripod.com )

Profile Name:                                     Tripod
Host Name/Address:               ftp.tripod.com
Host type:                            Automatic detect
User ID:    (the name you used to get the site )
Password:               (the password you used )

Click to save the password.
Press the word ok to get in to the site.

After you are connected.
The left side box is your computer and right side box is the sites computer.
Under the two boxes, click arrow on the auto.
Now look at the two arrow between the two boxes. This  transfer the file from your computer the sites computer.
In the right box go to the proper dir. in your computer where you save your page.
You may now transfer the program called html or htm to the computers site by clicking on the arrow pointing the the right.
You will also transfer all picture and mid file ( one at time ) that are related to the page that you have made.
Click on close and page has been posted.
Go to the web page site with your browser and check it out.

Free internet Phone

I have found that a internet phone is a must.
When you have one of these phones you will be able have somebody talk you thorough
your problems while you are doing it.

Both persons must have the same type of phone program installed.

Here are two free phones that work quite well.
Remember only one person can talk at a time.  So take turns talking.

Qtalka   this phone work's with a program called  ICQ

MediaRing      can be use by it's self, but is a large program

dialpad.com           Make unlimited free long-distance phone calls to anyone in the U.S.
  There nothing to download or install. Go to dialpad.com  (Very Good, But some time, hard to get in to.)


Generic Masonic web pages

1.    Generic lodge page       ( use on geocities site )
2.    Generic lodge page        ( use on any site )
3.    Generic lodge page
4.   Generic lodge page

Free unzip/zip program

You may need this program to unzip your programs.
It is called WinZip 7.0
Get it here.   http://retailer.echostar.com/

Free web space

Tripod .com      was the best for me.   ( for the beginner )( I have not tried all of them )


Angelfire.com Familyshoebox Fortune City Freeyellow
The Globe
Tripod .com

If you know one that is not listed email me.
Most all of these sites will help you make a page.

Use these guide lines first and when you need help email
Internet Coordinator 
Bro. Geoffrey Lasswell
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